Saturday, October 20, 2007

Action or Words?

I'm looking forward to Monday afternoon, when along with Alex King, Deputy Leader of KCC, I will be visiting both Pembury and Kent & Sussex Hospitals.

After the events of recent weeks - the publication of the Healthcare Commission report, Rose Gibb's exit, the resignation of James Lee, and on Monday, our cabinet offer of £5,000,000 from county reserves to assist with infection control - Alex and I felt that as the two most local County Councillors, we had a duty to see for ourselves the truth behind claims that wards are clean, beds are not so cramped, exits are not blocked and cleaning staff are now in evidence.

I hope we will be allowed to walk the wards unhindered, and to see any area we choose. If things really are improving, I will be the first to shout long and loud about it.

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